Maybe those days will soon return, summer is in fact quickly approaching. Eighth grade graduation, homework, and friends have basically taken over my entire life and i apologize profusely for not posting when i said that i would.
The play went extremely well, i didn't forget a single line! It was absolutely fantastic and I'm very very proud of the fact that i didn't screw up in front of everyone!!!!
Spring break was pretty awesome too! I got to have a dance party with my friend Hannah, and that's always great. It was actually just us screaming and running around my house, but hey that's even better!!!
My birthday was last weekend and i got some amazing clothes, forever21 is officially my favorite store in the entire world!!! (the pictures are from the very day of my birthday, when melissa and i went over to cole's to party it up)
I haven't been on in forever yet i don't really have to much to say, but i will say this:
I, Raigan, here by solemnly sware to dedicate myself to this blog and my awesome readers even more!!!