Thursday, March 5, 2009

oh wow...

According to the weather man, today was just "splendid"! I would have to agree with him! It's 75 degrees outside, and it's spring-y and it just makes me joyful! I can't wait for spring, even though i still love winter. But hey, it's Missouri, you can easily get winter weather in summer also!

Wasn't that just a great way to waste time before i say that i suck for not posting in ohhhh i don't know, a month?! I don't even know what's going on, I just haven't had anything to say at all. And plus I've been busy with just life in general.
pretty lame that I'm just now posting about the Valentine's day dance. It was...OK? I mean it was the whole catholic school dance, "leave room for Jesus" kind of thing, rather lame. Not that i promote practically having sex on the dance floor, but still.
My new obsessions:
-The Real Housewives of New York City
-Technicolor eyes by Backseat Goodbye
-Drawing purple dinosaurs with neon orange and yellow polka dots
-Hair bows
-My hair being shorter
I might dye my hair back to being blonder this weekend. I also really need to get my bangs cut, they're like ridiculously split ended and when i DID get my haircut the chick that did it was being all shoty and didn't even trim my bangs! GRRRR!!!
The Real Housewives of New York City is quite possibly the best reality show to ever be broad casted. Those ladies are insane!!! I'm pretty sure that my favorite person on that show is little five year old Francois!!! (just google him)
Oh I've also decided that one of my biggest goals in life it so have someone write a song about me, and for that song to become very famous. This has been a goal of mine for a while, but now it's a MAIN goal!
I had to draw a dino for science today, it kind of looked like the loch nest monster!!!!
I'm starting to feel more like blogging, which is a plus because i love everyone that reads my blog!!! Yes, so leave me some love :)


ellie said...

Thank you so much for making my day. I loved your comment. Thank for reading. Hopefully, Roger & Cory's romance isn't too much. All the storylines are fun to get into. Thanks again for reading my blog.

Oh, I do love the way you are wearing your hair. I hope you get it the way you want it.

Love those dinos you spoke of.

Good luck on finding that someone to write a song about you hey there deliah.

Anonymous said...

hehe I like the first pic, cool stuff.

Cait said...

I'm so glad you updated. Hope all is well with that hair of yours. Its so pretty the way it is though.

Love the pics too.

Have a warm weekend. Rain to happen here.

Anonymous said...

thanks for the tips. and in the spirit of the matter, I linked you:)

Cait said...

Thanks for the wonderful note. You might suspect I come from quite a dysfunctional bunch.

Thank God..there is the Gibson guitar..since they wanted to name him after a guitar. I'm glad you like the name. I do to. & it sort of made me think Bella would have wanted that name if she and Gordy had had a son.

Oh..just sleepy and misty here today. You guys deserve your sun shine. You get plenty of bad storms. I'm glad you had a weekend to enjoy and make you want more of spring to come.

Luckily, no snow that was forcasted.

Thanks so much.

Mary said...

RAIGAN! There is very little snow where I am! I LOVE THIS.

I'm in class typing you your email! It shall come soon!