Monday, May 12, 2008

I quit...

There is to much going on in my life to worry about this blog, its not like anyone really ever reads it anyways so yeah.

Sorry to all of you who actually do read it, i'll be on to comment and stuff but i mean i probably won't b case you didn't notice my posts have sucked majorly for a while so yeah i'm done with this.

Sorry, if u really knew me you'd understand, theres just way to much that i need to worry about right now that doesn't allow me anytime to worry about this blog, srry again, i suck i know :)



EvaAmarri said...

Well sorry to hear that you're leaving. Always sad to lose a blogger.

Adele said...

ooooh :(x

Anonymous said...

First of all thank god your getting off this your getting really annoying,

dear reggie,
where shall i begin. lets start off with the post located directly below me.dont EVER where that in public. just spare the good people of missouri's eyes. i know you consider yourself to be very high in the fashion world of todays society, but nay you have a misconstrued vision of what acceptable clothing is. becuase abercrombie and fitch and "bubble dresses" as you have stated previously would not be in the category of high fashion. i know you are currently going through some BOIIII issues but thats a very hard concept to accept for you are a misunderstood soul. reggie. hold your haed high. battle those 7th grade whores. and find the light in every ones soul. i believe in you. luv ya. lylas. BFF. omg. lol. hahah. im lyke always here 4 ya.

Anonymous said...

heyy heyy heyyyy!
it's me..ash.
-so, good luck with the rest of your life, blogging didn't work out fer ya either, eh?
-I will miss your pic posts, they are frickin' MEGAMAZING.
-My blog is gone. :)

Anonymous said...

Ps..another blog might be in the works..but's really kuh-ray-zee up in my life right now..haha i sound so stupid!

Anonymous said...


You should really keep blogging and it sucks you've gotta stop. They were so fun to read! And basically ignore hate comments because they don't make you, you've gotta just rise above those people and prove them wrong.

Karen xoxo