Tuesday, August 12, 2008


First I'd like to apologize for the recent hiatus...tons of stuff is going on right now, and lots of change is happening, and I'm still trying to figure out if its for the better but i guess that's just part of life.

And i had a run in with the infamous biological father!!! Talk about funtastical....yeah right. I was in Kansas City for about a week, visiting my dads (real dad, not my stepdad) family, and we (we= two 8 year old cousins, my aunt missy, and my g-ma) went to wal-mart after seeing Mama Mia, i turned a corner and ran into him, literally. It was a "hi and bye" kind of conversation where he not only took no interest in me, ya know his own flesh and blood, but also dissed Boys Like Girls.

I cried once we got to the car.

I guess i was still holding onto that one little bit of hope that he, ya know, gives a crap about me. And that maybe he's changed, grown up, and decided to be a real dad. I guess some things will never change.


hunter is doing good, he's a cutie, i love that little guy!!!!

And as for style...I'm trying to get a more defined kind of style. Because normally I'm really random, and i want to be kinda preppy with a bit of an edge.

Any advice?!?!?!?

Taylor Swift's new CD is the bomb...go to wal-mart and buy it please, I'll give you a big ol' hug!!!

:) I'm a lame-o



Anonymous said...

yeah..he's ''rumored'' to be dating her..he's denying it though! :) I remember back in the day (1995) when my brother came home from the hospital..I told my mom to take him back! haha hope all is well with the brother! Yeah, and the guy I was texting.. he's just something else, douchbag alert may I say? :)

Sydney said...

;( i'm sorry about your dad...

ellie said...

wow...I'm so glad your baby brother is here! Yeah!

Oh, you are strong. Remember that. Thanks for reading my blog. Well, Eric has a reason for her wanting to dress up. He is taking Ellie hope it didn't sound too harsh. Its good to hear from you. I do so hope you have a great new school year starting.

Thanks again, for being here.

I loved Mamma Mia.

ellie said...

wow...I'm so glad your baby brother is here! Yeah!

Oh, you are strong. Remember that. Thanks for reading my blog. Well, Eric has a reason for her wanting to dress up. He is taking Ellie hope it didn't sound too harsh. Its good to hear from you. I do so hope you have a great new school year starting.

Thanks again, for being here.

I loved Mamma Mia.