So i'm in a rut. I have nothing to talk about anymore. Nothing is really going on in life. And no one is commenting on my page. I'm just bored.
I guess something needs to happen in my life. Just diffrent, i honestly am just bore outa my mind half the time. These past few weekends i haven't hung out in a group of friends and i bet thats my problem.
Last weekend i spent the whole weekend with my best friend Melissa. It was a reallllll good time! Shes always fun, and i'm sooo comfortable around her its not even funny, i can waltz in her house like i own the place and its not a problem, cause i practically live there. God made us best friends cause our parents couldn't handle us as sisters.
Her sis was nominated for homecoming Queen. She looked absolutley gorgeous, she didnt win but she was still pretty. Love ya Katie!
well...i guess thats all for now
i'm going skool clothes shopping..woo more khaki pants and white polos, what a party! ;)
Write about something that you like, like shopping (where you can get good deals, who has the cutest clothes etc...) You could look at TF's page and get ideas!! Write a book review about the book you are reading or critique a magazine artice (17...) You could do that to a movie or a new song on the radio too!! Put a video on from YOUTUBE that cracks you up (SEE POPSERIOUS.COM)! Write about how God has touched you and how other people need to confide in him. Write about scripture that you have read! You could even write about what's up (the sky tehe)!!!!!!!! Start "advertising" on some commonly read blogs like TF and PowerRangersGO by putting your URL on a comment. The possibilities are endless, use your imagination!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hey rai! i hope you get out of your rut soon, because i love your blog! maddy showed me the spring dress. HEART. IT. love ya!
-This has happened to me alot. I just take a breather for 2 or 3 days, then bounce back with an incredible post about something different and MEGA AMAZING. It works. Just look at my Vintage Is A Wonderful Thing post (Prolly in the Nov. or Dec. Archive.) Before, I had 0 comments, then shazam! I suddenly had 11 or 12..Hope all goes well and you get outta the rut. Ps, get more visitors by commenting alot of well visited blogs like coco's tea party, or fabulous (both in my links). :)
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