Sunday, April 20, 2008

High school...

One more year to think, plan, and initially make my self insane about this topic.

In some ways, it feels like a very very long time to make up my mind on which high school to go to, but in other ways it feels like only a very small amount of time to make a decision that will essentially influence the rest of my life.

I'm not going to lie, I'm terrified for high school. There i said it, yes I'm a baby, whatever.

SO here's my situation, I'm currently at a private catholic school with people I've known since i was 5 years old (some of you even longer!) and I'm soooo scared that I'm going to get to high school, and lose all of them.

The way i look at it high school could go one of three ways:

1. I show up, being the "new girl" that nobody knows, and nobody seems to care about. And eventually, all the hype will where down and I'll be left in the dust. Spending my high school years off to the side with one or two friends.

2.The first few weeks will be nerve racking, I'll have a panic attack and end up institutionalized for the rest of my life

3. Its normal, i go there meet new people and move on with my life like no big deal.

You make think I'm kidding about the second one, but trust me it, it could happen OK!!!

On to my next high school issue, where the heck am i gonna go??? I have three options, humongous ghetto school, large rich people school, small town school where people are normal everyday people and don't worry about money and all that good stuff that the rich school would make me worry about.

Oh and fourth, boarding school!!! YAAA!!! i actually think it'd be pretty cool...but my parents aren't so found of the idea.

As for now i have a year or so to freak out about it...lovely i know!!!



Jen (MahaloFashion) said...

High school is always the same no matter where you go but you are right it is an exprience that will define your life. I still have a hard time letting go of some of the things that happened then even though I graduated nearly 5 years ago.

V-Kas said...

you will be the new girl, everyone is at one point! i was!! it will be nerve racking, but life is nerve racking, it will fade quickly.....the main idea is to breath and realize everyone else is in the same boat

if you "loose" your friends, its because your changing and so are they and its meant to happen that way, you make new friends and keep the very very good ones!

i sound like a mother haha but u know what i mean!! im so here for u, i know what it feels like remember! lol i did it too!!! its just part of growing up, no matter how scary it is, u will be ok!!

Charlotte said...

You will be the new girl but many of the people there will feel the same way. It can be scary but take it easy, there are more important things in life to worry about and when you are older and look back you will laugh at yourself.
When I started high school I kept some of my old friends, some others went away and made new ones.
You should not worry about that!