Wednesday, July 16, 2008

money money money...

Have you ever realized that almost everything in life revolves around money? You either don't have enough, have to much, dont have any, or need more.

Why? Why is money such a huge deal?

Seriously, if we didn't have money life would be sooooo much better! You would work for pleasure and not because you needed the money. You would go to school simply to learn things just for knowledge, and not because you need the intelligence for a future job that would require money. People who are starving wouldn't starve, because the majority who do dint have food because they don't have money for it!

Notice a pattern here?

I was just thinking about this today because i was thinking about all the things i want, material things. Digital camera, clothes, itunes dollars, CD's, iphone, macbook, juicy couture purse, louis vuitton, etc.

If i had about 70000000000000000000000000 dollars, i could have everything i wanted. But if we didn't have money, we could almost all have what we want.

I know, i know there are many holes in my theory but if you think about it without thinking about all the chaos and problems this could cause it would be really really great for the world.

Kinda like how the idea of Communism was actually pretty intelligent and good, until it actually got fulfilled and turned out to be pretty dang horrible.

Yeah thats it for my rant...



Cole said...


Raigan said...

cole: I hate you :P, and I totally took your profile pic!!!!

giggleness said...

mmm. i totally agree. things could be so much easier but we make it all complicated.

Sydney said...

yes it was a short disappearance. but i'm back.

same link, leave comments.

Gracie said...

I agree communism is good and everybody's all like nonononononononononononononononono it's bad! lol