Monday, January 21, 2008


I don't honestly think people understand how much easier kindergarten was then 7th grade...
I mean seriously life was sooooooooo much easier!

*you wore what your parents handed you, without question, and just went with it

*it didn't take an hour to do your hair in the morning because the only thing on your mind was to NOT miss breakfast

*boys were like bugs, disgusting and gross, but they were always up for a good came of "Chase Me" at recess

*girls were NOT catty like they are now, alls you had to do was have the same favorite Disney princess and you were best friends for life!

*snacks in the middle of the day! come on who doesn't love kool aid and animal crackers?

*the big kids would randomly come up to you and be like "awwwww!!! isn't she cute???" as if they owned you

Now, i am one of those big kids. Girls point out every flaw. Boys are just plain complicated. No more snacks. It takes me about an hour and a half to get ready in the morning. I worry about every detail of every outfit. AND i actually care what people think about me, which is a major flaw and something I'm working on, but seriously kindergarten was better. Your friends were your friends, and if you even HAD and enemy, odds are you wouldn't talk about them behind there backs or think about how much you hate them.

It was all because you were 5 and you were innocent, and the world hadn't taken that away from you yet.



Natalie said...

I agree. At the same time, it's exciting being older!!

rachel kalei. said...

sweetheart. first of all, nice blog. really naive but in a cute way. also, i'm digging your glasses. very retro.
but i hate to be the one break it to you, but life isn't gonna get any easier honey. if you think that being a seventh grade is hard, you are so innocent! 7th grade isn't old at all. you have so much more knowlege to acquire.
might i suggest that you shouldn't write about being so 'experienced' when you haven't even begun to peel the deadly layers of this onion that is the world. Come on. realistically, 7th grade cannot be classified as a "hard time" in one's life.
wake up darling; no one cares about your problems with "boiz" or how much they tell you that your hot. no one want's to hear it. you know why? becuase its not big news. it's not even news at all. things like that happen to millions of girls every day. so get used to it okay?
and if you think you know all about style in 7th grade, you have a lot more learning to do. your so called "fasion sense" is pitiful. no offense hun.
so i hope you learn from this little talk we just had. and i hope you have a great year.


Raigan said...

i relaly hope she knows how many of my friends read that and said "wow..." and not in a "u have so much knowledge!" kinda way!